Payment & Security

In 'Payment & Security Info', you will find detailed information about our payment methods, security measures, and answers to frequently asked questions regarding the safety of online transactions. We ensure that your payments are secure and seamless.

A: We accept various payment methods such as iDeal, Creditcard, ApplePay, Bancontact, Belfius, Sofort, Automatische incasso, Klarna Pay Later, VVV gift cards, and bank transfer. Choose the method that suits you best at checkout.

For more information and answers to other frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Discover more tips, advice, and interesting articles about our products and related topics on our blog.

A: Your safety is our priority. We use SSL encryption and partner with trusted payment processors to keep your details secure.

For more information and answers to other frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Discover more tips, advice, and interesting articles about our products and related topics on our blog.

A: A: In general, at the smallest house we charge no extra costs for the use of one of our payment methods. You only pay for what you order. However, at Klarna Pay Later we charge € 1.00 extra per transaction.

For more information and answers to other frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Discover more tips, advice, and interesting articles about our products and related topics on our blog.

A: After every purchase, we automatically send a digital invoice to your email address. You can also log in to your account to view and download your invoices.

For more information and answers to other frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Discover more tips, advice, and interesting articles about our products and related topics on our blog.

A: If a payment fails, you will receive a notification and can try the payment again. Check your payment details or contact us for assistance.

For more information and answers to other frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Discover more tips, advice, and interesting articles about our products and related topics on our blog.

A: You can verify the security of your payment by the padlock in your browser bar, indicating that the connection is secured with SSL encryption.

For more information and answers to other frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Discover more tips, advice, and interesting articles about our products and related topics on our blog.

A: Once payments are made, they usually cannot be cancelled or changed. Contact us as soon as possible for any issues.

For more information and answers to other frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Discover more tips, advice, and interesting articles about our products and related topics on our blog.

A: Yes, all our product prices include legally required VAT. This is included in the displayed prices.

For more information and answers to other frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Discover more tips, advice, and interesting articles about our products and related topics on our blog.