Ingredients matcha chocolate

Matcha + Chocolate = simply irresistible!

5 min 10 min 15  min

Tea and chocolate... Normally you always use them separately, but why not combine them into a delicious chocolate bar? In this blog I explain how you can easily and quickly make chocolate bars from white chocolate and matcha.

Matcha is a green tea from Japan. The tea is mainly used in Japan during the Japanese tea ceremonies. The tea leaves for this tea are completely ground into powder. Ideal for processing in chocolate!

Matcha tea can be a bit bitter for some people. Adding white chocolate makes the taste more balanced, not too sweet, not too bitter.

Another nice optical detail, Matcha also gives the white chocolate a fantastic color!

What do you need for Matcha chocolate?

You don't need that many ingredients to make Matcha chocolate:

  • 100 grams of white chocolate drops. These are available at the AH or Jumbo;
  • 2 grammes of Matcha tea
Ingredients Matcha Chocolate

I use the following for supplies:

  • cutting board
  • sharp knife
  • two pans, one slightly larger than the other
  • a spatula
  • and mold/tray for the chocolate bar. I myself have a special chocolate bar shape, but you can also use a small bowl.

How to make a Matcha chocolate bar?

Making a Matcha chocolate bar is actually very easy. A matter of melting chocolate, adding Matcha powder, stirring, pouring and letting it solidify.

Easy right? However, there is a small 'but...' attached to it. If you make the bar in this way, chocolate will not crystallize properly. The chocolate will become too hard and grainy and will not have the nice satin sheen you want.

There is a method that can solve the above problems, called 'tempering'. Chocolate normally melts at about 45ºC. By tempering, you ensure that the chocolate cools down slowly, allowing the crystals to set nicely and you get that delicious chocolate bite and shine.

There are two methods of tempering, on Marble or double boiler. I choose the latter method because it is the easiest for me.

Tempering Chocolate with Double Boiler

Follow the 'step-by-step plan' below and you will have a Matcha chocolate bar within 10 minutes!

  1. With the Double Boiler method, first melt 2/3 of the chocolate in a pan. You do this through the 'au bain-marie' way.
  2. In the meantime, crush the rest of the white chocolate.
  3. Once the chocolate has melted, add the rest of the chocolate little by little while stirring.
  4. Then add the Matcha.
    To clarify the above, I made a video about double boiler:

  1. At some point the chocolate will be nice and thick and shiny. To test whether the chocolate has tempered properly, insert the tip of a cold knife into the mixture. Then let it solidify. If the chocolate solidifies nicely evenly and does not turn dull/white, tempering is successful!
Double boiler Matcha Chocolate
  1. Pour the melted matcha chocolate into a mold. If you don't have a mold, you can also use a bowl or saucer.

    (No problem if you have any matcha chocolate left. You can use this again later, by letting it cool and then heating and tempering again.)
Pouring of matcha chocolate
  1. Now it's time to let the chocolate cool and solidify. If you're impatient and want to taste your results quickly, you can speed up the process by putting the chocolate in the fridge. I myself have not had such a good experience with it. For me, the chocolate usually turns dull and I have problems taking it out of the mold afterwards. Here too the following applies: 'Patience is a virtue!'
Solidify of matcha chocolate
  1. You can finally enjoy your efforts! I personally love Matcha chocolate in combination with our organic Rooibos Raspberry Vanilla. Rooibos itself is soft and mild in taste, slightly nutty and a little honey-like. This is perfectly complemented by the warm and natural sweetness of vanilla and the freshness of raspberry. Add the creaminess of white chocolate and the sweet yet savory taste of matcha to the mix and you have the best treat ever! Enjoy your meal!
Enjoying Matcha Chocolate

Tea shop Het Kleinste Huis

Almost all the ingredients for this Matcha chocolate can be found in our tea shop. We always have the organic Matcha Hana in stock.

Don't have the time or inclination to make your own chocolate bar? Come and visit one of our special tea rooms to taste one. Or buy a Matcha chocolate bar via our website!

Did you make this recipe? Share your photos on Instagram!

And tag @smallesthouse

For a large part of her life Kirsten has had a passion for entrepreneurship and tea. Since 2014, she has been combining this with her husband, Niels, in the tea specialty store Het Kleinste Huis (The Smallest House in Amsterdam). Kirsten likes to write about things that keep her busy (this doesn't have to be just tea!).

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