As it is meant to be
Green tea is the most consumed tea in the world. Green tea has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. For example, it helps to lower blood pressure and stress levels.
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Special variations
Japan is known for its special selection of quality green teas, including sencha, matcha or genmaicha
Healthy Japanse green tea
Matcha is known as the green drink that is even healthier than regular green tea!
Green tea with a twist
Green tea is very suitable for supplementing with other ingredients. Do you like fruity, floral or spicy teas? The Smallest House has something for everyone.
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Earlene Grey
Tea is to the body as music is to the soul...
Green tea is made from the leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). After picking, these leaves are only minimally oxidized. This keeps the leaf green. Then the leaves are rolled, crushed and dried at a low temperature.
Green tea is a great fit for a healthy lifestyle. Green tea contains bio-active substances such as flavonoids (anti-oxidants) that help the body in the fight against so-called free radicals.
In addition, green tea can have a positive effect on, among other things, the metabolism, it can reduce the effects of LDL cholesterol and it can strengthen the immune system.
Green tea is made in almost all tea-producing countries. Whether it concerns China, Japan, India or Tibet, every country and even region has its own green tea specialty. Many of these special teas can be found in the extensive loose tea collection of The Smallest House.
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Origin of Green Tea
Green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis and originates from the Yunnan Province, China. Since the 28th century v.C. in this region is known of drinking green tea. Tea is the oldest known herbal beverage.
There are different legends regarding the origin of tea. The most famous one is that of Emperor Shen Nung. In the year 2737 v.C. the Emperor walked through his garden. Along the way he stopped to paused to boil some water. Suddenly a tea leaf fell into the boiling water. The emperor drank the water and he was so impressed that he wanted to drink again. Eureka! The way we drink tea was born.
Nowadays, green tea is mainly consumed in China and Japan.
Production of Green Tea
For the production of a good quality green tea, often the tip (the youngest leaf) and the two herein underlying leaves of the tea plant are used. After picking, the leaves are wilted for several hours. Then, the tea leaves are heated (by steam or stir-fried) to make the water evaporate and degrade the enzyme brings about the oxidation process (coloring page). After this, the leaves are rolled up and further dried.
Tea is picked at different times in a year. The first harvest takes place just after the winter season in March / April. They also referred to as the First Flush. After this, the plants are able to recover for the second pick, the Second Flush, which takes place in late May, early June. Then followed by the Mouton Flush and Autumn Flush.
Health benefits Green Tea
Green tea has been praised for its health benefits for centuries. It is made from the young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and contains high levels of antioxidants such as catechins and epicatechins. These substances help protect the body from free radical damage, reducing the risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
Green tea also contains polyphenols, including EGCG, which are thought to play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and improving blood circulation. In addition, green tea contains caffeine, which helps improve concentration and mental clarity.
In addition, green tea is considered a natural way to lose weight as it helps to increase metabolism and reduce hunger. Green tea is also believed to help reduce inflammation in the body and strengthen the immune system.
Drinking green tea may also have positive effects on skin health, including reducing wrinkles and improving skin elasticity.
However, green tea contains caffeine, so excessive consumption can lead to side effects such as insomnia and nervousness. It is therefore recommended to drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily for best results.
Brewing tips for Green Tea
Often people in our shop are complaining about the bitter taste of green tea. Fortunately, this is easy to fix!
In most cases this is caused by the way of making a cup of tea. Green tea does not tolerate hot water well. When too hot water (read boiling water) is poured over the green leaves, the tea leaves could burn with a bitter tea as a result.
The Average water temperature has to be between 80ºC or 90ºC before it is poured over the tea leaves. For some green teas, the preferred temperature of the water is even lower.
The average brewing time for green tea is between 1 and 3 minutes.
On the information sheet of each tea you can find the best temperature of the water and brewing time.
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